 * FLASH_functions.c
 *  Created on: 19 aug. 2018 .
 *      Author: Bohdan

#include "main.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
#include "My_types.h"
#include "FLASH_functions.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "PIN_functions.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"

/* Function for reading FLASH memory sector with all of the settings
 * Parameters:
 * 		BUFF - pointer to structure where readed settings will be saved
 * 		size - size of BUFF in bytes (sizeof(BUFF))
void Read_FLASH(Settings_str* BUFF, uint16_t size)
	uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t*)BUFF;
	for(uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		ptr[i] = *(__IO uint8_t *)(PARAMS_START_MEM_ADR + i);

/* Function for initiating the structure BUFF. Change will be performed ONLY if nothing
 * was written to appropriate cell in flash before
 * Parameters:
 * 		BUFF - pointer to structure for analysing and initiation
 * 		Addr - addres of device, to create the default name (sets manually
 * 			on the board by toggling the switches)
void Init_RAM(Settings_str* BUFF, uint8_t Addr)
	uint16_t letter_count = 0;
	char Default_name[7];
	uint8_t rewrite_mask = 0;

	// Timings and etc.
	if(BUFF->CS_per == 0xFFFF)
	if(BUFF->TS_per == 0xFFFF)
	if(BUFF->PWM_per == 0xFFFF)
	if(BUFF->Lin_In_per == 0xFFFF)
	if(BUFF->Hard_ver == 0xFFFFFFFF)
		BUFF->Hard_ver = 0;
	if(BUFF->Soft_ver == 0xFFFFFFFF)
		BUFF->Soft_ver = 0;
	if(BUFF->Transm_allowed == 0xFF)
		BUFF->Transm_allowed = 1;
	if(BUFF->Max_temp == 0xFFFF)
		BUFF->Max_temp = MAX_TEMP;
	if(BUFF->Min_temp == 0xFFFF)
		BUFF->Min_temp = MIN_TEMP;

	// Termocouple types
	for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 24; i++) //sizeof(BUFF->Termoc_types)/sizeof(TC_type_t); i++)
		if(BUFF->Termoc_types[i] == 0xFF)
			BUFF->Termoc_types[i] = K;
	//BUFF->Termoc_types[PWM9] = J; //  !!!!!!!! our case

	for(uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(BUFF->Name_str)/sizeof(uint8_t); i++) //Analyse the location in memory
		if(BUFF->Name_str[i] == 0xFF)
			letter_count ++;

	if (letter_count >= 255)  // If nothing was written before
		sprintf(Default_name, "Dev%d", Addr);
		strcpy((char*)BUFF->Name_str, Default_name); // Default name is DevADDR (exmpl: Dev53)

	for(uint8_t i = 0; i<9; i++)
		for(uint8_t j = 0; j<24; j++)
			if(BUFF->Mask_matr[i][j] == 0xFF)
				rewrite_mask = 1;

	if(rewrite_mask == 1)
		for(uint8_t i = 0; i<9; i++)
			for(uint8_t j = 0; j<24; j++)
					BUFF->Mask_matr[i][j] = 0;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW1][PWM7] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW1][PWM8] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW2][PWM4] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW2][PWM5] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW2][PWM6] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW3][PWM1] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW3][PWM2] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW3][PWM3] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW4][PWM9] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW4][PWM10] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW4][PWM11] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW5][PWM12] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW5][PWM13] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW5][PWM14] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW6][PWM15] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW6][PWM16] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW8][PWM23] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW8][PWM24] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW7][PWM20] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW7][PWM21] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW7][PWM22] = 1;

		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW9][PWM17] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW9][PWM18] = 1;
		BUFF->Mask_matr[SW9][PWM19] = 1;

/* Function for writing the memory on the fresh MCU (when nothing is written already)
 * Parameters:
 * 		start_addres1 - start address in FLASH memory
 * 		BUFF - structure with settings
 * 		size - size of passed structure (sizeof(BUFF))
void Write_FLASH(uint32_t start_addres1, Settings_str* BUFF, uint16_t size)
	HAL_StatusTypeDef flash_ok = HAL_ERROR;
	uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t*)BUFF;

	// Відкрити пам'ять для запису
	while (flash_ok != HAL_OK)
		flash_ok = HAL_FLASH_Unlock();

	// Стирання сектора, в якому лежить адреса (поки реалізовано тільки для двох секторів - 12 і 13)
	if (start_addres1 >= 0x08060000 && start_addres1 < 0x0807FFFF)

	//Запис до пам'яті значення info1 та іnfo2
	flash_ok = HAL_ERROR;
	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		flash_ok = HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, start_addres1, (uint64_t)(*ptr));
		start_addres1 += 1;

	//Закриття пам'яті
	 flash_ok = HAL_ERROR;
	 while(flash_ok != HAL_OK)
		 flash_ok = HAL_FLASH_Lock();

/* Function for reinitializing matrix for polling current sensors
 * Parameters:
 * 		&BUFF - buffer with settings for FLASH
void Mask_matr_REINIT(Settings_str* BUFF)
	uint8_t ADC1_chan;
	uint8_t ADC3_chan;

	if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BOARDET_1_GPIO_Port, BOARDET_1_Pin) == 1) // If connector 1 is not connected
		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) // All of the PWM from SW1 to SW3 = 0
			for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 24; i++)
				BUFF->Mask_matr[i][j] = 0;

	if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BOARDET_2_GPIO_Port, BOARDET_2_Pin) == 1) // If connector 2 is not connected
		for (uint8_t i = 3; i < 6; i++) // All of the PWM from SW4 to SW6 = 0
			for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 24; i++)
				BUFF->Mask_matr[i][j] = 0;

	if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BOARDET_3_GPIO_Port, BOARDET_3_Pin) == 1) // If connector 3 is not connected
		for (uint8_t i = 6; i < 9; i++) // All of the PWM from SW7 to SW9 = 0
			for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 24; i++)
				BUFF->Mask_matr[i][j] = 0;
	for(heat_el_t PW = PWM1; PW <= PWM24; PW++)
		heat_elem_set_PW(PW, MAX_PWM, 1);
		for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 24; i++)
			heat_elem_set_PW((PW+i)%24, MIN_PWM, 1);

		for (uint8_t j = 0; j < CUR_RAW_ARR_LENGTH; j++)  // 31 times scan
			HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)ADC_1_data, sizeof(ADC_1_data)/sizeof(uint16_t));
			HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc3, (uint32_t*)ADC_3_data, sizeof(ADC_3_data)/sizeof(uint16_t));

		uint16_t MAX_Bubble;
		uint8_t MAX_index = 0;  // index of the maximum element readed from the ADC
		/************ Cycle for searching max of element in ADC1 *************/
		MAX_Bubble = ADC_1_data[0];
		for (uint8_t i = 1; i < sizeof(ADC_1_data)/sizeof(uint16_t); i++)
			if(ADC_1_data[i] > MAX_Bubble)
					MAX_Bubble = ADC_1_data[i];
					MAX_index = i;
		ADC1_chan = MAX_index%6;

		/************ Cycle for searching max of element in ADC3 *************/
		MAX_Bubble = ADC_3_data[0];
		for (uint8_t i = 1; i < sizeof(ADC_3_data) / sizeof(uint16_t); i++)
			if (ADC_3_data[i] > MAX_Bubble)
				MAX_Bubble = ADC_3_data[i];
				MAX_index = i;
		ADC3_chan = MAX_index % 6;

		if(ADC1_chan > ADC3_chan)
			case 0: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW2][PW] = 1;break;
			case 1: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW3][PW] = 1;break;
			case 2: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW4][PW] = 1;break;
			case 3: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW5][PW] = 1;break;
			case 4: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW7][PW] = 1;break;
			case 5: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW8][PW] = 1;break;
			case 0: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW1][PW] = 1;break;
			case 1: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW6][PW] = 1;break;
			case 2: BUFF->Mask_matr[SW9][PW] = 1;break;

/* 	ADC1	ADC3
 * 	СUR2	CUR1
 *	CUR3	CUR6
 *	CUR4	CUR9
 *	CUR5
 *	CUR7
 *	CUR8